Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Food blog...

So I'm thinking about blogging about food. I seem to know a lot about it. Perhaps because I love to eat and cook. Any thoughts?

I could throw out recipes for people to steal, talk about the latest stuff I cooked, etc. None of the trash that goes on over at patrickdowning.wordpress.com where the author pontificates about Jersey Mikes vs Subway or Chipotle vs Moes. I mean really, everyone knows Jimmy Johns is the best sub, and your local mexican place blows away price, food, and service of any of those fake mexican restaurants (I like to call them Mexican't Restaurants). The people demand substance here patrick... not something a high schooler wrapped up in foil lined paper!

So, here it goes - Raleigh's top 5 steaks:

1. Ruth's Chris
2. Sullivans
3. Prime Only
4. Pedler
5. Carrabas (Sirloin Marsala)

The gauntlet is down, Downing.

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